Benefits of Membership
The new, autonomous Maple Society of Britain and Ireland is dedicated to restoring many of these benefits, which have lapsed or become unavailable in our region.
These Benefits will be Brought to you Directly by The Maple Society of Britain and Ireland:
- Access to over 30 years of newsletters in our archive.
- An opportunity to participate in the Society’s vaunted Seed Exchange program, which lets you grow difficult to find Japanese maples and other maple seed.
- A locally oriented e-bulletin with seasonal advice, member’s news, and more.
- The chance to join our exclusive events, including classes and workshops, and twice annual in-person guided tours of the great British and Irish gardens and nurseries.
- Expert advice on cultivation, pruning, diseases, or other maple issues from knowledgeable and experienced Society members with our unique “Ask An Expert” feature.
- Exclusive reductions at selected nurseries.
- Promotion and blogging opportunities about your maples on our website.
- An opt-in list of members willing to share their gardens with you, or just get together to talk about maples!
These are Core Benefits of The International Maple Society. We will be working hard to ensure these benefits are provided in a timely and complete manner.
- A high quality, full color, Quarterly Newsletter. Articles include: the latest on the Society activities, news on the latest cultivar introductions, scientific discoveries about species, conservation news, and much more.
- Access to the Society’s Cultivar Database, which includes nearly 4,000 Japanese maple cultivars and many species maple cultivars.
- Language-local Zoom events, held in English, French and Spanish, along with access to previously recorded Zoom events.
- Access to the Maple Society’s private Members Forum.
- Triennial Maple Symposium